Below the various steps to update Arfooo Directory From version 1.0.5 to version 1.0.6 1) Make a backup of your database 2) Replace the folder 'admin/' on your server through the new folder 'admin/' version 1.0.6 3) Replace the folderr 'javascript/' on your server through the new folder 'javascript/' version 1.0.6 4) Replace the file 'components / PhoogleMap.php' on your server by the new file version 1.0.6 5) Replace the files 'controllers/ RssController.php' and 'controllers/SiteController.php' on your server through the files of the new version 1.0.6 6) Replace the file 'models/SiteModel.php' on your server by the new file version 1.0.6 7) Replace the files 'languages/en.php', 'admin/languages/en.php', 'moderation/languages/en.php' on your server by the new file version 1.0.6 8) Replace the file 'config/version.php' on your server by the new file version 1.0.6 9) Uplod sur on your server the file 'models/BannedSiteModel.php' 10) the folder 'templates/' We will proceed to change line by line. These changes will take about 2 minutes # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/category.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {capture assign="headData"} {/capture} {include file="includes/header.tpl" title=$|cat:" - {'page'|lang} "|cat:$pageNavigation.currentPage}
# #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # {capture assign="headData"} {/capture} {if $category.title ne ""} {assign var="pageTitle" value=$category.title} {else} {assign var="pageTitle" value=$} {/if} {include file="includes/header.tpl" title=$pageTitle|cat:" - {'page'|lang} "|cat:$pageNavigation.currentPage}
# #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/details.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
{if !empty($remoteRss)} {foreach from=$remoteRss.items value=item} {$item.title|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForRssParsing}

{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ #
{if !empty($remoteRss)} {foreach from=$remoteRss.items value=item} {$item.title|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForRssParsing}
{if isset($item.description)}{$item.description|truncate:$setting.numberOfCharactersForRssParsing}
{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} 11)Upload on your server the folder 'install/ Once uploaded folder, go to the following url: 12) !!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!! 13) Read the instructions if you could lose data, it is necessary to safeguard your database. 14) ONLY 1 Click on the button "Update Now!" 15) Delete the folder 'install/' 16) Delete the contents of the folders 'cache/'and 'compiled/' except .htaccess file and update several times the page on your directory with your browser (IE, Mozilla, Opera ...) If you encounter other problems a forum is at your disposal: